History and More


Welcome to Notre Dame Church, North Caldwell, NJ

We are a vibrant Catholic community of faith, committed to discipleship in Christ. We live the Gospel message of Jesus as a holy people of prayer, service and giving.

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"And whatever you do in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus!" Collossians 3:17a

Mission Statement

We, the Parish of Notre Dame, are a community striving in Word, Worship and Service to proclaim the mission of Jesus Christ.

Through the Holy Spirit’s power we are each called to spiritual growth and together to become a loving, caring, sharing, family.

Through our common Baptism, we are invited to use our distinct gifts to motivate one another to a greater awareness of our Christian vocation.

We acknowledge our responsibilities to reach out to the spiritual and temporal needs of others in 

response to the Gospel challenge of Jesus, “Whatever you do for one of these least brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40b

Strengthened by the power of the Risen Lord and through the intercession of Mary, our Mother, we will journey together in courage and hope.


Come In 

  to be nourished by Christ and filled with the Spirit

Go Out

   and spread the good news

Bring Back

   others to Christ


We are happy you want to become a part of our Notre Dame family.

By registering at Notre Dame, you are delcaring your desire to be a part of our Catholic faith community.

Reasons to Register at a Parish

A sense of belonging and identiy in a parish community

A commitment to practice your faith.

Registration helps you stay connected with us and us with you.

Registered active members are eligible for sponsor/godparent valisation.

You can print out and submit a REGISTRATION FORM  or

contact the Parish Office at 973-226-0979 or info@ndparishnc.com and we would be happy to send you a census form to complete. Thank you and we look foward to meeting you.

"For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another." Romans 12:4-5

Our History

In the 1960's, when young couples were leaving urban Newark to find adequate housing for their growing families, they headed West. In this case it was West Essex. It was in North Caldwell that Notre Dame Church was founded in 1962 to accommodate an ever-growing Catholic population. Fr. John E. Murphy, the founding pastor, had his work cut out for him. Not only did he have to find the land for a new church, rectory and school, but he had to raise the funds as well.

He began by purchasing a home that would serve as a rectory for himself and his associate, as well as a temporary site for the daily celebration of the Eucharist. The rectory basement provided space for 70 tightly packed people who attended weekday Eucharist. With no church available yet, Sunday masses were celebrated in the auditorium of West Essex High School.

Over the course of the next two years, a Building Committee was formed by Fr. Murphy to make plans for a new church with attached school building for eight grades. Under the Co-chairmanship of Mr. Frank Rubino and Joe Spencer. A capital campaign was undertaken. On Sunday March 22, 1964, a one day fund raiser yielded pledges of $202,000 toward a goal of $700,000. To the great delight of all 450 families, the new church of Notre Dame with attached school was dedicated on May 25, 1965.

Fr. Murphy was also responsible for purchasing a home to serve as a rectory, just across the street from the church and convent housing for four religious sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill. Following his retirement in 1980, Fr. Murphy was succeeded by Msgr. Harold Darcy, recently returned from Rome. During his pastorate and with the assistance of Fr. John O'Connell, a number of renovations were initiated within the church to bring it more into line with the new liturgical guidelines, which also enhanced its original beauty. The parish community at this time grew to 880 families.

In July 1987, Msgr. Edward Ciuba, formerly Rector of Immaculate Conception Seminary at Darlington, became Notre Dame's third pastor. 

Msgr. Ciuba would retire in early 2009 and Fr. Anthony Randazzo former Parochial Vicar at Notre Dame Church would be named the 4th Pastor effective February 2009.

February 2015, Fr. Thomas A. Dente is appointed Fifth Pastor of Notre Dame.

In 2002, the rectory at 358 Central Ave. was sold and a new modular rectory was constructed on a knoll to the right of the church. The vacated school building was renovated and became the "Notre Dame Parish Center". All of the parish offices, as well as a number of newly-decorated meeting rooms provide needed space for an ever-growing parish community. The parish family which numbered 450 families in 1962, now has over 1900 families.

God has blessed Notre Dame Parish abundantly. Our community will always be grateful to God, the source of all, and to the countless women and men, priests and religious who have proceeded us and made our story possible.

“Notre Dame” means “Our Lady” and is a reference to the Blessed Virgin Mary who is the patron of our parish. Mary was the Mother of Jesus and has been given the title “Mother of God” and “Mother of the Church.” Mary is the mother of all who follow Christ. 

Notre Dame Church has an outdoor and indoor shrine to Mary. The indoor shrine includes a beautiful hand carved statue from Italy which was commissioned by our parish. The statue of Mary with the child Jesus is very popular among our parishioners, young and old, who spend time in prayer before the shrine.

Please remember to say a prayer for Notre Dame when visiting either shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our parish.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

 Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!

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